Thursday, October 2, 2014

Never recovered from having Pregnancy Brain

How about this, it's been over a year since my original post and I've completely forgotten that I even had my own blog page.  Wowza!  So, here are a few updates:
C is about to turn 18 years old in a few weeks, he is a Senior at a Christian HS and is at times my best friend but most of the time he confuses the daylights out of me!!  Soccer season is coming to an end here shortly.  So hard to believe I've been watching him play for 14 years and I don't know if he'll try to continue on in college.... I don't even know if he'll go to college!!!
This summer he bought his first car, 1995 Chrysler LeBaron convertible.  He has poured so much time into this car, detailing, installing speakers, painting the ragtop and minor repairs here and there.  It's good to see him passionate about something.  But let me tell you, life definitely changes when your kids have their own cars.  I have to send text messages or snapchats on occasion just to remind him that I'm still at home and love him.
Ok, R graduated from HS last June.  His mother flew out for the event (from South Korea) and stayed with us for 2 weeks.  What an awesome experience.  My 2 littles immediately fell in love with her.  But then they both flew home for the Summer.  R then flew back to the states to attend college.  We took a family trip (minus C) down to South Carolina to get him off the plane and settled into his dorm at Bob Jones University.  We're hoping he'll come home for Christmas!!!
A is now 5 and in Kindergarten.  She loves it.  She is such an amazing child of God.  The Holy Spirit is STRONG with this one!!!  I love hearing her speak about her talks with God and about His creations.  It's beautiful. She is in public school this year, but we are thinking about switching her over to Christian School next year.  The Lord has some great things planned for this one.  Can't wait to watch it all unfold.
D..... my little man.  I have a soft spot for this one.  He's my cuddle bunny, my snuggler and the reasons why I have migraines all the time.  Lol.  He wants to be a big kid like his siblings so bad.  One more year home with Mama then he's off to school also.  He can't wait.
The Hubs.  Still with the same company and is a Quality Engineer.  He has started doing a lot of side work, enough that I think he could do it full time.  But it comes in waves, he'll get tons of calls for people needing work done, then he'll go awhile with nothing.  College has been put on hold for a bit, but I think next semester he may have to start it back up.  He is still my dream man and I love him more and more every day.
Me again.... I've gotten a job!  HA.  I do bookkeeping for a small company.  I started in late June and have worked about .... oh... maybe 3 hours.  It's more like a hobby.  But, it gets my mind away from cleaning the house or gives me a break from playing Legos or Barbies for a bit (a very small bit).  My passions are still the same, however... I would love to pick up a couple more bookkeeping jobs.
My furry kid (Georgie Girl, a Basenji-Boxer mix) got a dog for Christmas this past year.  Her name is Miss Molly and she is a Beagle-Basset Hound mix.  They drive me up the wall, but I love them dearly.
We've recently (in actuality we've known this for a long time) decided that we are not 'City Folk' and need to get the rock out of this 'community' we live in.  Pretty sure our neighbors hate us AND our dogs.  Ya know, dogs do bark at the littlest things some times.  But yet, they complain to our faces, behind our backs and leave notes on the doors if we've been gone too long.  We live close enough to our neighbors that we can talk to them thru the windows.  My furry kids like to bark at the dogs across the street.  They all watch each other out our living room windows.  I need to be in the country, I need room to roam, I want to be able to yell at my kids and not have my neighbors judge me!  I want to be able to leave something out laying in the yard without neighbors complaining that my yard is an eye soar or that "you just have too much stuff to live in this town".... old bitties.....  Anyway, so on that note we are fixing up the home and putting her on the market.  We've been here for 3 years..... 3 years too long.
So, such is life.  We put our faith in God that he will guide us and direct our paths and that our 'dream home' (with some property) will be waiting for us when we're ready.